Ausschließliches Stillen für mindestens 6 Monate nach der Geburt ist optimal für die Gesundheit von Mutter und Kind. Die Task Force möchte Arbeitgeber auszeichnen, die das Stillen an ihrem Arbeitsplatz unterstützen.
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Businesses see value in supporting Breastfeeding!
Purpose of NH Breastfeeding Friendly Employer Award
The New Hampshire Breastfeeding Task Force aims to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months after birth is optimal for the health of a mother and her infant. The health benefits of breastfeeding are so well documented that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all infants be breastfed for at least one year and longer if mother and baby desire. Family friendly workplace practices and policies are essential for working mothers to give their babies the healthiest start in life.
Breastfeeding makes good business sense for all of New Hampshire. When our businesses support their employees in continuing to breastfeed, everyone wins. Businesses are rewarded with less absenteeism, increased employee loyalty and lower health care costs. Mothers and babies experience the health benefits of breastfeeding, businesses recruit and retain employees and it all translates to positive benefits for companies giving the business a positive family friendly image in the community and State.
Transforming your business into a breastfeeding friendly workplace can be simple. The New Hampshire Breastfeeding Task Force looks forward to recognizing you and your efforts to support New Hampshire families.
Eligibility and Breastfeeding Friendly Employer Award Criteria
Although certain accommodations for nursing mothers are required per the Federal Break Time for Nursing Mothers Law, the Task Force is seeking employers who are establishing and maintaining comprehensive, high-quality lactation support for their employees.
In addition to basic requirements of the Federal Break Time for Nursing Mothers, the following are required:
A written breastfeeding policy that is communicated and provided to all employees
A private and secure room with a lockable door (not a bathroom)
A comfortable chair
Flexible (paid or unpaid) breaks of at least 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours
The Task Force also recognizes any or all additional breastfeeding support elements offered within the business:
Educational breastfeeding materials for all expectant parents
Refrigerator nearby for milk storage
Nearby sink
Electrical outlet
Small table or shelf
Radio/CD player
Breastfeeding artwork
Ability to work part-time or flexible schedule
Flex time offered
On-site child care
List of regional breastfeeding supports provided and maintained
Lactation consultant services provided by employer's insurance or paid for by employer
Lending library with breastfeeding resources
How to Apply:
Applications are accepted and granted anytime throughout the year. Awards will be publicly announced at the annual New Hampshire Breastfeeding Task Force conference in June of every year and also publicized through local and state press releases and on the Task Force website.
Please complete the self-assessment application below or download & send a copy to:
New Hampshire Breastfeeding Task Force
P.O. Box 3914
Concord, NH 03302-3914
Email option: send to nhbreastfeeding@gmail.com
New Hampshire Breastfeeding Friendly Employer Award
Click to download the Employer Award Application